What You Need to Know
By law, all new homes built in Ontario are provided with a warranty by a licensed builder/vendor, this law is called the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act. Tarion’s role is to ensure that purchasers of new homes receive the coverage they are entitled to under the warranty and to approve builders before they can build and/or sell new homes in Ontario. For more information on the act, and for more information about Tarion, who we are and what we do visit our About Us page.
This is the Builders' Homepage, it provides a general overview of the warranty, coverage and everything Tarion has to offer new home builders/vendors. To help you find the information you need, the content on this page and under the menu item titled Builders is tailored for you, whereas the menu items under Homeowners and Condo Corporations are tailored for those audiences.
Building & selling new homes

The Licensing & Application Process
The HCRA (Home Construction Regulatory Authority) is responsible for regulating and licensing new home builders/vendors, enforcing standards of competency, handling home buyer concerns about the conduct of their builder/vendor and managing the Ontario Builder Directory.
If you plan to build and/or sell new homes in Ontario, you must be licensed by the HCRA.
You must also apply for, and receive approval by Tarion before you can offer or agree to build or sell a new home or condominium project. For details on how to complete this process, visit our Licensing & Application process.
Building & Selling New Homes
Licensed builders that have been approved by Tarion may now begin building and selling new homes enrolled in the new home warranty. There are various purchase agreement and licensing requirements, closing/occupancy dates, as well as enrolment fees that vary depending on the type of home you plan on building. For more information select one of the options below.
Coverage before closing (Pre-Possession)

Coverage Before Closing
Warranty coverage includes financial protection for purchases before closing. There are four main types of warranty coverage during this period including deposit protection, delayed closing/occupancy coverage, condominium cancellations and financial loss coverage for contract homes. Learn more about each of these by visiting our page outlining warranty coverage before closing.
The Pre-Delivery Inspection
A pre-delivery inspection (PDI) is mandatory for all new homes enrolled with Tarion. The main purpose of the PDI is to document the condition of the home prior to possession or occupancy. The PDI is also an opportunity to acquaint your customer with their new home; review home maintenance procedures; discuss the warranty process and next steps for addressing items that require attention; and reinforce the positive relationship you have built with them. Learn more about the pre-delivery inspection, how to prepare for and conduct it.
Coverage after closing (Post-Possession)

Coverage after closing
Coverage for freehold, contract, condo units and condo conversions after closing is divided into three different time periods: 1, 2 and 7 year with each offering protection against specific items.
Occasionally new home owners face incidental costs as a result of authorized repairs to items in their new home or condominium. In such cases, Tarion may consider providing additional compensation for the incidental costs associated with moving and/or replacing items during the course of a warranted repair being done by, or on behalf of Tarion.
To learn more about what’s included in these time periods, as well as incidental costs, visit our coverage after closing page.
What's Not Covered & Warranty Exceptions
It is important to note that the warranty act sets out a list of exclusions from warranty coverage for Freehold, Contract & Condo Units. Visit our page on what is not covered to understand what types of homes are not covered, as well as the items and deficiencies that are not covered for each category.
The claims process

The Claims Process
Tarion strongly encourages homeowners/condominium corporations to bring any issues to their builders in writing as soon as possible within the applicable warranty coverage period. Builders and Homeowners are also advised to work together to resolve the issues before having to create a claim We are committed to helping both homeowners and builders by offering support through various channels including early intervention which can be requested at any time.
Tarion provides a standard claims process for freehold homes, contract homes and condo units. We also provide alternative methods to help resolve homeowner claims in the event that they are not resolved during the regular process. For more information on both the regular claims process, and alternative resolution methods, visit the Regular Claims Process page.
Exceptions to the Claims Process
There are certain items or situations that require shorter or longer resolution timeframes than are allowed under the regular warranty claims process. These include exceptions in case of an emergency, seasonal items, special warranty items, air conditioning and extraordinary situations. For more information on each, visit our Exceptions to the Claims Process page.