The claims process & alternative resolution methods
Tarion offers a regular claims process for homeowners of freehold, condo units and contract homes to submit and resolve claims with their builder. We also offer other options for resolving claims if they cannot be resolved during the regular process. The warranty process involves different steps and roles for each party, but the goal is for all parties to work together to resolve warranty issues. Everyone has the right to a new home warranty process free from threats, harassment, intimidation, hostile remarks, or rude behaviour - and Tarion expects all parties in the warranty process to conduct themselves with courtesy, honesty, fairness, and respect.
The regular process for making & resolving claims
If your builder has failed to resolve an issue, you can follow the regular process for making and resolving a warranty claim with Tarion. This information is for owners of Freehold homes, Contract homes and/or Condominium Units only.
Alternative methods for resolving claims
If you’ve gone through the regular process and your claims have still not been resolved, or if you require assistance earlier than the regular process allows, there are alternative methods available to help resolve your claims.
Emergencies and other exceptions to the claims process
There are certain items or situations that require shorter or longer resolution timeframes than are allowed under the regular warranty claims process. Learn more about emergencies and other exceptions below.