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As part of the resolution of a warranty claim, Tarion employees, builder representatives and tradespeople may have interactions with homeowners or require access to a home for inspections or repairs. In the case of illness, steps should be taken to protect the health of everyone involved. 

The following will help answer questions regarding how illness may impact the warranty process.

Rescheduling Inspections and Repairs

If a homeowner or someone living in the home is ill or has symptoms of a potential illness, we request that the homeowner contact Tarion and the builder to reschedule any upcoming inspections or repairs. A request to reschedule may be made without explaining the illness or symptoms. 

If a builder representative or tradesperson is ill or has symptoms of a potential illness, we request that they do not attend any meetings or inspections with a homeowner or Tarion.

Tarion employees who are ill or have symptoms of a potential illness will not attend any meetings or inspections with homeowners or builders. While Tarion will make every effort to have a different employee attend in their place, we may have to reschedule the meeting or inspection. 

Repair Periods

If a homeowner reschedules or does not schedule repair work because of an illness, Tarion may extend the builder’s repair period to enable the builder to complete the repair work once they are able to enter the home. 

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service team at or call 1-877-982-7466.